Client Story
Healthcare RCM Tech Firm

Financial Consulting Identifies Significant Cost Savings by Consolidating On-premise Infrastructure

Leading healthcare revenue cycle management and payments technology firm serving over 450,000 providers, 750 health systems and hospitals, and 5,000 health plans in the United States. Client acquired a peer and wanted to consolidate on-premise data center operations to reduce redundancy and costs. Client lacked the financial and technical expertise to assess each location, quantify costs in detail, identify additions and upgrades needed to support consolidated workloads and model the financial impact of accelerating the evacuation of the secondary data center.

AHEAD analyzed Client’s technical infrastructure and financial commitments to create a baseline and future-state financial model defining the impact of an accelerated data center evacuation.  The model included robust details like technical remediation and transformation recommendations, timing considerations, cash flow analysis and Cap-Ex / Op-Ex considerations